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February 25, 2006 09:00 AM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols


22 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. John Kerry was his usual wishy-washy self. What turned from a full day of campaigning for Perlmutter and an outright endorsement became one fund raiser and a few words of praise. Kerry dcided to not endorse Perlmutter and risk the wrath of women political operatives solidly behind Lamm. Ed was terribly embarassed at the change in Kerry’s tune.

  2. Obviously, you weren’t there Peggy clones.  It was a smashing success all the way around for the state.  Who needs the whole day when Ed raised more in an hour than Peggy has in a good month.

    You guys are so out of the loop that you don’t know that the Senator also raised funds for the State House and Senate Majority funds…and with Vets who are supporters of Ed.

    But then, you wouldn’t know how to maximize a visit for everyone in the state because Peggy only supports and contributes to Republicans, like Bill Owens and Donetta Davidson.

  3. Why did Judy Solano not only kill her own WalMart bill but make an absolute fool of herself while doing so?
    The Republicans plan to use her explanation in direct mail attacking her.
    The Democrats in the Legislature lack the guts to take on big companies such as WalMart.
    Steve Adams has a right to be mad and will be even madder when he figures out who stabbed labor in the back.

  4. The Ridder poll is confirmed by other independent polls. Peggy is ahead. That is why Kerry backed off endorsing Ed. That is why Labor is staying neutral. That is why Ed is in big trouble.
    Ed has used all of his ammo and is still behind. Peggy has kept her powder dry and is going to be hard to beat. Ed must be sweating about those Indian casinos he was pushing not too long ago

  5. Alright GoPegGo or whatever alias you come up with on a daily basis, it’s time to call you out on your crap.  You really remind of a sleazy realtor pathetically trying to sell anybody who will listen a house that so obviously is falling apart before everyone’s eyes.

    Labor:  Ed has the endorsements of like 15 or so labor unions, with more being added every day.  Peggy’s endorsements = 0.  Yeah they are really staying neutral.

    Do you care to share any of these polls?  I find it funny that no major news organization picked up any of these independent polls.  Hmmm…maybe that is because Peggy’s own poll (wink, wink) was so laughably bad.  A basic attempt to create a distraction while John Kerry was endorsing Ed, all the while Peggy is being investigated for voter fraud.

    Kerry: I was at the fundraiser and specifically heard him say “I endorse Ed Perlmutter”.  So, lets not get carried away.  It’s not like anybody of John Kerry’s stature has ever come out to support Peggy.  Am I right?  I think I am.

    Can I be the first try to encourage you to be honest.  Why don’t you talk about Peggy’s credentials as opposed to simply trying to tear down Ed with this whisper campaign.

  6. Fine points raised by Getting sick of…
    List the unions endorsing Ed. There are five not fifteen and none have been added since November. The State AFL-CIO is staying neutral as are the Bmost unions.
    Funny that Big John Kerry did not stand up in public and utter the simple words I support Ed Perlmutter.

  7. This could be the best thing to happen in Iraq

    First of all, emphasis on could. What I am talking about is the bombing of the shrine of Imams Ali al-Hadi and Al-Hasan al-Askari. Why do I say this? Because up to now all of the various interest groups have

  8. My Dear Go Peggy Go

    What is it about the word Union you don’t understand.  Of course, Owens’ toadies wouldn’t get it.

    To set the record straight, I believe Ed Perlmutter has received more than the following endorsements listed below:

    1. Airline Pilots Association
    2. American Postal Workers Union
    3. Colorado Professional Firefighters
    4. Denver Theatrical Stage Employees Union Local7
    5. International Association of Bridge, Structural,  Ornamental & Reinforcing Iron Workers,
    6.  Laborers International Union
    7.  Mountain West Regional Council of Carpenters
    8.  National Air Traffic Controllers Association
    9.  National Association of Letter Carriers
    10. Service Employees International Union
    11. Teamsters Local 537
    12. Transport Workers Union of America
    13.  United Food and Commercial Workers
    14.  United Transportation Union

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to address to your lack of veracity.

  9. Ouch, that’s gotta hurt GoPegGo.  You just got the slapdown by Ed Supporter!  If you going to try to disparage somebody at least get your facts straight.

    And no we are not the same person.  Sorry, thought I would beat you to the punch.

    Point #2:  John Kerry did use the words “I support Ed Perlmutter” at the press conference from the news coverage I saw.  He also earlier in the day used the phrase “I endorse Ed Perlmutter” too.  Again, I will call your bluff, if John Kerry really isn’t backing Ed why don’t you have him come out and do a fundraiser for Peggy during the primary?  Yeah, not going to happen huh? 

    Honesty really is the best method to use GoPegGo.  I encourage you to go the integrity route next time.

  10. I was there and Kerry said, “I endorse Ed Perlmutter.”

    You can also add to that endorsement list the Colorado Credit Union League, and the International Longshoremen’s Association.

    The only two I can think of who haven’t were EMILY’s list, many of whose large contributors in Colorado have donated to Ed, and Bad Moon Rising who has said he would like Tancredo for every district.

  11. I like Ed, Take Back, I just happen to like Peggy more.  But I gotta agree with you, trying to spin the Kerry endorsement of Ed as anything other than a Kerry endorsement of Ed is just dumb. He said he endorsed him, he said he supported him, and he raised beaucoup bucks for the man who ran his state campaign two years earlier.  Kerry is backing Perlmutter, Q.E.D.  I don’t think that’s the end of the game, by any means, but it’s just dumb to try to pretend Kerry isn’t backing Perlmutter.

  12. Wow, Peggy’s people are really getting nasty over there.  If they couldn’t do the 30 seconds of reserach necessary to find out how many labor endorsements Ed already has, then no wonder they’ve dropped the ball on so many other things (including the infamous poll that has earned Peggy more laughs than support).

    Their response to a major Democratic leader endorsing Perlmutter . . . posting on blogs attempting to suggest that Kerry doesn’t actually support Perlmutter?  Why don’t they call Kerry’s office and get a statement from them on the matter?  What a joke.  It’s also worth mentioning what a rare thing it is for a sitting senator to endorse a House candidate.

    I think the Lamm campaign has entered free fall and all they’ve got left is laughably bad whisper campaigns on the internet to keep hope alive.

  13. I attended the House Majority Project fundraiser on Friday and I found Sen. Kerry to be very personable. As someone who voted for Bush last time around, I must admit that if he had come across like that last fall on TV things may have turned out differently — and perhaps I would have voted differently.  The Senator delivered a great message to the group — and frankly one that would resound within the moderate Republican circles.  Let’s give credit where credit is due.

  14. What to do in Iraq – you’re all wrong

    So what is the solution in Iraq? Put aside the lies that took us there – we’re there. What do we do now? There are the mil-bloggers that almost unanimously see success. Slow and difficult success, but success nonetheless. And

  15. Last time I checked, Colorado is a land-locked state, so I fail to see the significance of the “International Longshoremen’s Association” union endorsement.

    For some reason, I seem to doubt that there is a significant presence of members in Colorado.

  16. Where did you see the longshoremen, Raider fan?  Their money is as good as anyone’s, but I don’t see them on the list of union endorsements on this page.

  17. You’re right, Go Raiders, these old eyes of mine are getting fuzzy.  I guess the Longshoremen weighed in because there is much traffic by container ships plying the Platte 😉  Seriously, I guess they figure a vote is a vote for legislation they like in Congress so they may send her a check.  But I agree they sure don’t have many troops on the ground in Colorado.

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